
End of 2012…MOD and Obesity

It is the end of 2012… but not the end of the world, not yet. The solstice came and went, along with a slew of conspiracies and mixed expectations, and now I welcome the New Year, with its secrets and challenges.

I am doing something new, for this is the journal of My Journey to Healthy and Happy.  I have a Plan that is hatching as I go… and a little sign that says Live the Life You’ve Imagined.

My many years of struggle with obesity (I will say it like it is), has come to a most spectacular place. This is the most I have ever weighed. Huge. So I have made a plan and I have asked for help. It is a good step I have taken. I now have a support team who, happily, agreed to let this Plan be openly and selfishly all about me. The team comprises my friend and assistant Kathy O and my ‘son’ JB, (he adopted me:) who is my personal trainer in the pool with oodles of noodles…and my arms are beginning to feel it already after two days.

These friends allow me ramble and they exercise with me and we all have a good laugh. It is so encouraging. I cannot thank them enough for agreeing to help me. No, I am not an island. They have taken photographs of me in my bathing costume, (I smiled and fooled around but I am not looking forward to seeing those pics) recording the momentous occasion marking my Grand Intention. Weights and measure have all been recorded and saved.

Why am I doing this?

If you eat 6 chocolate sweets, have two helpings of food, drain your wine glass in order to refill it and then have a large bowl of ice cream, with another chocolate afterwards, you would know why you are fat, yes? I saw this in a friend and then I saw it in myself. It was very sad and also quite an epiphany. We were living in denial and acting mindlessly. I saw how we were clinging to our many, various diet books, spouting information on great ways to lose weight, the nutritional value of foods, the protein carb discussion, the newest diet discovery. Our clever minds were filled with information overload and yet with years of reading and research, trials, tribulations and failures, we were still (I will say it again) obese. Still struggling. Still stuffing our faces and getting more and more stressed and upset about our weight.

This experience got me thinking very deeply and the only thing I could think of to do to help myself and hopefully others in my position is to blog an honest journey on this road I’m travelling, while I face myself. Face facts and deal with them honestly, as best I know how.

I have devised an eating plan – MOD – My Own Diet. I would urge any and every overweight person to do the same. Make it up from good information, good sense and your own desires. Work your favourites into your daily life. As I go along on this Blog, my discoveries will be written up here.

My exercise routine includes exercising in the water – weightless what bliss! A full massage as I run and leap like a ballerina in the water. The second exercise is in a chair. Yes, seated exercises for the obese, the frail, the disabled, the recuperating, for the office and even the lazy. Ask Aunty G (Google) and go to YouTube where you will find a plethora of wonderful little exercise snippets from a few minutes to nearly an hour.  Yoga in a chair is lovely. There are even seated Sun Salutations a-plenty. Because of these chair exercises, I actually did some exercise today on my day off and it feels good.

So the first step of the Plan has made its appearance. Today is the first day of the Journey.

Step 1: Make up your own MOD then Ask for Help and Share your Plan

Next: The Food Plan







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