
Banting Dessert Recipe for Today…

Today has been a good one so far. Breakfast strawberries were followed later by a cold roast chicken thigh on the move. (Me, not the thigh…:) My hunger felt satisfied for a fairly long while. A snack in between was biltong (with the fat on!) and droe wors (beef jerky and dried farmer’s sausage) with my Pink Drink (sparkling mineral water with bitters). Sipped on lemon juice through the day.


This was lunch in the middle of the day:  (In Ayurveda, midday is the time for the biggest meal of the day when the agni – digestive fire – is at its highest. A light early supper is the way to end the day and an early night is never a bad idea. Here I am lecturing myself, as I tend to stay awake late playing Scrabble with the droid and only put out the light when I have nearly dropped the phone twice while falling asleep.)


Roast Chicken. Eat the Skin!



And this was dessert:


Banting Chocolate Mousse



Banting Chocolate Mousse Recipe:

3 or 4 Big Tbs Double Cream Greek Yogurt

1 Tbs Cream

1 tsp Cocoa, unsweetened

1 or 2 tsp Xylitol to taste


Whip it all together and eat with abandon.


There is rugby at 5, (the Boks playing Australia at Newlands. Go Bokke!!!…) and I am making Banting Burger Patties with Blue Cheese Cream Sauce. (My goodness I love that cream!) Hubby gets the bun. I will post that recipe and photo in the next entry.


The Revolution rocks…



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