healthy eating

Vegetables, and more vegetables…


Probably the most difficult things for me to make sure I eat are good old green (and other colour) vegetables. When presented with them, I am all too keen to eat their green goodness but somehow the preparation of them for my consumption leaves something to be desired. I love wilted spinach with lemon juice and ground black pepper, and broccoli soup is delicious, while grated courgette pancakes are always welcome. Salads filled with organic foods from the garden are a treat, but the problem is that it all takes a little time and a bread sandwich is so very easy! Even rice cakes with avocado are easier than green pancakes! OK, avo is green but not always available.


So. Green smoothies and juices are in. At least I will know that I am getting in my essential five fruit and vegetables.




The buck are eating my organically grown kale, chard and spinach while the monkeys are destroying my young onions and tomatoes, so drastic measures are necessary! I have one lone pak choy plant that has braved all assaults, including some vicious black frost that annihilated my young aubergine plants and the prolific green pepper plants that have been giving me some beauties for a few months now. My baby seedlings survived under cover and are my pride and joy and the hope of my future green juices. I am now going to be growing a variety of greens in big pots on the stoep which will give them enough shelter to grow into gorgeous green super foods.


Growing your own food is like printing your own money, so bug off you bokkies and you meddling monkeys! Take your hands off my bank!



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